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Media Competences for Digital Citizenship

by: D-Eva Project

Dimensions of the Media Analysis
1. Selecting ways and means
2. Organising didactic content
3. Promoting sensible media consumption

Dimension of the Media Accessing
1. Supporting/guiding information search and selection
2. Ensuring information exchange and access to various media
3. Coordinating media communication process

Dimension of the Media Assessing
1. Monitoring/evaluating the instructional educational process
2. Assessing training needs
3. Assessing general media evaluation models

Dimension of the Media Production
1. Integrating ICT and media
2. Original conception
3. Encouraging critical thinking and creative content

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  • IP
    Ion Popescu at IREA almost 2 years ago
    In opinia mea o astfel de activitate este extrem de benefica in special pentru a discuta cu seniorii despre competentetele digitale pe care trebuie sa le dobandeasca in ciuda varstei
  • GG
    Gabriela Grosseck at West University of Timisoara almost 2 years ago
    Great resource! My only concern is that technology advances so fast and I have to rethink the lesson plan in order tot keep the pace with new digital comeptences