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Effective Speed Reading of academic literature

by: D-Eva Project

An online template is created where the learners will have to provide a 200-word summary of 2 academic articles published in peer-reviewed journals related to the project of the traineeship (one summary per article) and a 100-word justification of how useful this paper is for their project. A timer will show to the learners and their coach the time they needed to read the articles and write the summaries and the justification of the usefulness of the papers for their project. After this first activity, the coach of the trainees shares, through an online session, strategies for skimming through an academic text and comprehend it at faster reading speeds. The activity will be repeated twice and the coach will provide feedback after each template submission. The templates of the whole group will be published (anonymously) in the SharePoint space of the traineeship, so everyone can read the summaries and the justification, as well as the feedback from the coach.

Summary of the activity:

Activity takes place in big group with individual assignments

Duration: 6 weeks (the first 6 weeks of the traineeship, when learners engage mostly with academic literature)

Methodology: Big group workshop, individual assignments with personalized feedback, which will be shared to the whole group.

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