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Lenguaje corporal en reuniones en línea

by: D-Eva Project

En primer lugar, el estudiantado debe completar el curso de LinkedIn sobre “Lenguaje Corporal para un Liderazgo Auténtico” y el cuestionario final. Posteriormente, el/la guía comparte una plantilla sobre el lenguaje corporal en reuniones en línea, incluyendo los siguientes aspectos: encuadre, presentación, postura, expresiones faciales y uso de las manos. El/la guía, presente en la mayoría de las reuniones, observa el lenguaje corporal del alumnado y proporciona feedback de forma grupal e individual. Este ciclo se repite semanalmente, en una reunión cada semana. El feedback queda registrado en la plataforma de colaboración en web del programa académico.  

Resumen de la actividad: La actividad se desarrolla en gran grupo (reuniones virtuales)

Duración: 20 semanas (una observación a la semana)

Metodología: aprendizaje autónomo, discusiones en gran grupo, feedback grupal, feedback individual
Solución digital desarrollada por el proyecto D-Eva:

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    Asia Trzeciak at HvA over 2 years ago
    A very new or a very old field? When you look at the actual practices, none of them are rocket science, none of them are actually new. But maybe that’s exactly the point? The Einhorn primer puts it beautifully: “Most likely, none of these practices will be radically new to you. But it is precisely the fact that they are radically old that makes them powerful and accessible to all of us”. It seems as this field matures, our job is not to invent, but rather rediscover old practices and apply them to today’s contexts. Is this how we’ll change culture? I work in service of a future where our culture values relationships. Many of us sense how capitalism has stripped most relational elements out of our lives and many of us crave a sense of true belonging and connectedness. Yet how do we get there? I sense that by designing anything with a relational lens we start to change offerings, institutions, systems and eventually culture. What do you think? How does this resonate? Where are you seeing Relational Design emerging outside of the traditional community space? I’d be so grateful to hear your thoughts and reflections in the comments. — — Thank you A big thank you to the people who are bringing this “radically old” practice back, especially to the team at the Relationships Project and all the other practitioners mentioned. Interested in getting regular community building insights in your inbox? Every few weeks we send out a short email with 3–5 of our favorite insig
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    Asia Trzeciak at HvA over 2 years ago
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