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Evaluating students’ ideas in science

by: D-Eva Project

Within the wide range of activities to be done with simulations, the prediction-based activities allow students to propose a prediction for a specific phenomenon, in terms of “What if…” · These activities are commonly named as POE (Predict, Observe, Explain). 

In the case of “Circuit construction kid”, teacher can propose to students’ different situations by combining bulbs, wires and batteries. This activity can be embedded in different students’ day to day life situation, such as the electrical installations of a house or the electrical components of a robot or a toy. 

In this activity, students have to predict what do they think is going to happen: the bulb will bright (yes/no), the bulb will bright more / less than in the previous situation. It allows a qualitative approach, since students don’t have to calculate neither use numbers, just to reason in terms of “more/less”. This activity can also include explanations about why the bulb will bright more / less / no bright in terms of the movement of electrons. 

This allow facing students with non-intuitive situations, in which most common misconceptions about the scientific topic arise.

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